Cyprus tourism industry embraces innovation and digital marketing
3 oktober 2023

Cyprus tourism industry embraces innovation and digital marketing

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The tourism industry's focus is in shifting towards innovation and digital marketing, and a recent workshop by the Association of Cyprus Tourism Enterprises highlighted these crucial developments.

The Association of Cyprus Tourist Enterprises (Stek) recently hosted a workshop in Limassol that focused on innovation and digital marketing tactics, bringing attention to the thriving sector of tourism in Cyprus.

This event, dubbed the "Initiative and Collaboration Workshop," is a component of the broader project known as the "Islands-Attractive Destinations of the Mediterranean - SMART TOUR." It follows a similar workshop that Stek and the regional government of Crete jointly organized. The objective is to promote innovative relationships between decision-makers, academics, and tourism enthusiasts in order to share insightful information and look into prospective interregional and cross-border collaborations.

Several key topics were discussed during the workshop, covering areas such as innovation in tourism entrepreneurship, the ever-evolving landscape of tourism marketing, thematic tourist routes in Cyprus, and the world of digital marketing for alternative forms of tourism.

Sokratis Solomides, the Secretary-General of Stek, underlined the association's steadfast support for the concept that quality tourism is the way forward. In recent years, Stek has diligently worked towards this vision, making the most of opportunities arising from European programs. Solomides pointed out that the "Islands-Attractive Destinations of the Mediterranean – SMART TOUR" project perfectly aligns with Stek's strategic direction.

This project's primary focus revolves around collaborative efforts among various stakeholders to develop tourism strategies, promote the natural and cultural heritage, and enhance tourism identity, sustainability, and cross-border cooperation.

Nicos Nicolaides, the Mayor of Limassol, stressed that in the modern era, success in tourist destinations hinges on factors like sustainability, accessibility, digitization, cultural heritage, and creativity. The emphasis should be on developing and promoting "smart tourism" utilizing digital tools, products, and services that contribute to the sustainable development of the local area, bolstering creative industries, supporting local talents, and preserving cultural heritage.

Costas Constantinou, the Director-General of the Ministry of Tourism, emphasized that the development of a tourist destination isn't solely about its promotion and enhancement but also about what benefits the destination itself. He underscored the importance of sustainability, preservation, and alignment with a common vision among stakeholders.

This strategy is furthered through the "SMART TOUR" project, which promotes collaboration among stakeholders to develop tourist strategies, increase the promotion of natural and cultural heritage, build tourism identity, and promote sustainability and international partnerships.

During the event, a variety of speakers, including a former deputy, offered insightful talks.

In related news, as the 44th World Tourism Day was celebrated in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, under the theme "Tourism and Green Investments," the Association of Cyprus Tourist Enterprises issued a statement welcoming the official festivities. Akis Vavlitis, the president of Stek, highlighted the significance of fresh investments and innovative solutions, always mindful of the sustainability of Cyprus' tourism sector.

The World Tourism Organization has emphasized the need for targeted investments that benefit people, the planet, and social well-being. The focus on investments aligns with efforts to revitalize and future-proof the tourism industry.

Vavlitis firmly believes that this is the ideal time for fresh and innovative solutions. By continuously evaluating and upgrading the tourism product, he envisions a future where high-quality tourism contributes to the prosperity of Cypriot society as a whole.

In a world that is changing quickly, the tourist industry in Cyprus is adjusting to the needs of the digital era by putting an emphasis on innovation, sustainability, and collaboration to assure a successful future.