Government launches plan to demolish unsafe buildings
19. Juli 2024

Government launches plan to demolish unsafe buildings

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The government has launched a new strategy to replace dangerous, old buildings with safer ones in order to improve urban safety and aesthetics.

The goal of this project, which the cabinet just authorised, is to deal with the problem of dangerous and ageing buildings, many of which were built under an older permit system that allowed for higher development factors.

The incentives for demolition will not apply to listed buildings, which are protected by separate regulations.

The key incentive in this plan is the retention of the original development factor for existing buildings, even if it exceeds current maximum limits. This means that property owners can rebuild to the same scale after demolition.

There are specific conditions for utilizing these incentives. They are available for applications submitted within five years from the decision’s publication date or for any ongoing applications for new development projects following the demolition of old and unsafe buildings.

The Interior Ministry's objective is to enhance safety, improve the look of towns and rural areas, and upgrade the overall urban image.

Interior Minister Konstantinos Ioannou explained that the decision was influenced by requests for higher development factors, noting that property owners will benefit by being able to demolish and rebuild without losing their existing building rights, such as the number of floors.