Larnaca plans €35 million in investments over the next two years
14 augusti 2024

Larnaca plans €35 million in investments over the next two years

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According to Larnaca Mayor Andreas Vyras, the city is about to experience a major transformation with over €35 million set aside for infrastructure projects around the city in the next two years.

Mayor Vyras said that Larnaca has been successful in obtaining European funding, which has allowed the municipality to move quickly to start and carry out a number of infrastructure projects. These initiatives comprise 13 projects that are either nearing completion, about to start, or in the process of being completed. All of these projects are anticipated to significantly improve the look of the city.

New municipality hall among main projects

The old hospital's restoration, a listed structure that will be transformed into a modern municipal hall, is one of the project's highlights. This large-scale project, which is expected to cost more than €6 million, was first delayed because of problems with the initial building tender. But in July 2024, a new tender was released, and it is anticipated that the project will be finished in a full year.

A focus on sustainable urban development

Redevelopment of the central core, especially Makarios Avenue, and renewing of Acropolis and Alkis Square, along with the surrounding road system, are two significant initiatives intended to bring life to Larnaca's city centre. Larnaca's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) covers both initiatives.

An urban planning project named the central core renovation was put out to bid in July 2024 and is scheduled to be finished in a year. Concurrently, work on the renovation of the Acropolis and Alkis Square, which is partially supported by the European "Thaleia" initiative, is scheduled to start in August 2024 and be finished by 2026. This project is expected to cost €3.1 million in total, VAT excluded.

Mayor Vyras noted the significance of these initiatives and how they would help the people of Larnaca live better lives. In addition, the city center's street renovation and improved accessibility for people with disabilities will start in September 2024 and be finished by September 2026 as part of the SBAK project. The project has a budget of €5.18 million including VAT and is also co-funded by the "Thaleia" program.

Preserving historical heritage

The implementation phase of the reconstruction of St. John's Church, an area of major historical and archaeological significance, has also begun. The project is projected to be finished in 24 months, and the construction contract is anticipated to be announced in December 2024. At an anticipated cost of €7 million + VAT, the reconstruction is a thorough urban design project that will take into account the area's rich antiquities.

New parks will improve public spaces

Larnaca's residents can look forward to the opening of the Salina Municipal Park in October. This €2.4 million project, co-financed by the "Thaleia" programme, aims to create a green space for recreation, sports, and social interaction. Salina Park is one of three major parks being developed in the city.

The Pattihio Park, Larnaca's largest urban grove, is expected to be completed a year later. Serving the wider Larnaca district, this €3.5 million project is also co-funded by the "Thaleia" programme. Additionally, a multifunctional park in the refugee settlement of Tsiakkillerou is scheduled for completion by February 2025, with a budget of €1.8 million plus VAT.