Cyprus set to launch "photovoltaics for all" program in two months
19 septembre 2023

Cyprus set to launch "photovoltaics for all" program in two months

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According to Energy Minister George Papanastasiou, Cyprus is getting ready to launch its ambitious "Photovoltaics for All" program, which is expected to go into effect within the next two months.

Minister Papanastasiou revealed the initiative's specifics in a talk with CyBC, highlighting the fact that it will get funds from the EU Resilience and Recovery plan in addition to contributions from the energy usage cost fees paid by consumers.

The program's main goal is to make it easier to construct household photovoltaic systems, each of which has a 4.2 kilowatt capacity. To be considered for participation, interested people and households must submit their applications to the Ministry of Energy.

One crucial point mentioned by the minister is that the project's approval from the finance ministry is still pending, indicating that the government is actively working to secure the necessary financial backing for the endeavor.

It's noteworthy that the Cyprus Electricity Authority (EAC) had initially planned to deploy a thousand residential photovoltaic systems. However, this strategy was eventually abandoned due to its inability to cater to the energy needs of all residential consumers.

Minister Papanastasiou went on to explain that the program's funding will come from the energy ministry's coffers, allowing participants to have their photovoltaic systems installed without any upfront costs. Once the photovoltaic system is in operation and begins reducing the electricity bills of the beneficiaries, they will gradually repay the initial amount to the ministry, thus replenishing the funds.

Regarding the timeline for the program's launch, Minister Papanastasiou noted that it would take approximately two months. This period will be utilized to establish efficient application processing systems, ensuring a smooth and orderly intake of interested participants.

Cyprus is on the cusp of launching a groundbreaking 'Photovoltaics for All' initiative, aimed at democratizing access to solar power for its residents, while also contributing to the country's sustainable energy goals.