What are Cypriots like?
24 juillet 2024

What are Cypriots like?

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When you think of Cyprus, the first things that come to mind are probably its stunning beaches, rich history, and delicious cuisine. But what about the people who call this beautiful island home? What are Cypriots like? Let's have a look at the characteristics and culture of the people of Cyprus.

Warm and welcoming

One of the first things you'll notice about Cypriots is their warmth and hospitality. Visitors often get surprised by how friendly and welcoming the locals are. It’s not uncommon for strangers to greet you with a smile or even invite you into their homes for a meal. This sense of hospitality is deeply ingrained in Cypriot culture, and they love making guests feel at home.


Family is at the heart of Cypriot society. Families in Cyprus are typically very close, and it's common for several generations to live under one roof or near each other. Family gatherings are frequent and often involve large meals where everyone comes together to share food and stories. This strong family bond extends to their sense of community as well, which makes Cyprus feel like one big family.

Relaxed and easy-going

Cypriots are known for their laid-back attitude towards life. The pace of life on the island is slower than in many Western countries, and people take things in stride. This relaxed mentality is seen in their work-life balance, where spending time with family and friends is just as important as work commitments. The local saying "siga-siga", which means "slowly, slowly", nicely describes this easygoing mindset.

Strongly established traditions

Despite modern influences, Cypriots preserve their traditions and culture. Festivals and celebrations of religion have significance in their daily lives. The colorful Carnival of Limassol, the traditional Easter celebrations, and the grape harvest festivals are all celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm. Traditional music and dance are highly valued and are often featured in these celebrations.

Proud of their history

Cypriots are extremely proud of their rich past and history. Cyprus' strategic location has made it a crossroads of civilizations for thousands of years, as evidenced by the variety of archaeological sites located around the island. Cypriots commemorate their unique history while looking forward to the future, with ancient ruin and Byzantine churches, Venetian fortresses, and Ottoman architecture.

They love food

Food is an important component of Cypriot culture, and mealtime is a celebration in itself. Cypriots love to gather around a table that has delicious specialties. Traditional Cypriot cuisine includes dishes like souvla (large pieces of meat cooked on a spit), halloumi cheese, and more. The Mediterranean diet is central to their lifestyle, which focusses on fresh ingredients, olive oil, and lots of vegetables. Sharing food is a way of showing love and establish relationships.

Multicultural and bilingual

Cyprus has a unique position as a bridge between Europe and the Middle East, which has given it a multicultural flair. Greek is the official language, but English is widely spoken, especially in business and tourism. The fact that Cypriots can speak more than one language makes them more hospitable and visitors feel welcomed.

Resilience and adaptable

Throughout history, Cypriots have faced numerous challenges, from natural disasters to political conflicts. Despite this, they have shown incredible resilience and adaptability. Their ability to maintain a positive outlook and move forward when things are uncertain, is truly inspiring.

A phrase that reflects their character

One phrase you’ll hear often in Cyprus is "kopiaste", which means "come join us". This simple word shows the inclusive and welcoming nature of Cypriots. You might be asked to share a meal or a cup of coffee if you go to someone's house or happen to be in a small village café. "Kopiaste" is an invitation to experience the kindness and friendliness of Cypriot people.

Well, Cypriots are truly one of a kind. They’ve got that Mediterranean lifestyle in their veins. People here are genuinely special and heartwarming. "Kypraioi" are simply unique.